What is Multi-Level Marketing?
Generally, a multi-level marketer (MLM) distributes products or services through a network of participants. Typically, the company does not directly recruit new participants but relies on its existing participants to recruit additional participants, who, in turn, also recruit new participants. This creates multiple levels of participants organized in “downlines.”
A participant’s “downline” is the network of their recruits, and recruits of those recruits, and so on. A participant’s “upline” is the person who recruited them, and the person who recruited their recruiter, and so on.
A 'White Knight' Affiliate Marketer is a benevolent individual who loves animals:
Promotes [by telling others about] our 501(c)3 Animal Rescue White Knight Dark Horse Rescue Ranch
Encourages others to support our cause by Adopting, Donating, Volunteering & Rescuing Animals.
Invites Other People to join our White Knight Affiliate team, earns a nice referral fee.
Join our team as a 'White Knight' affiliate [a savior, one who comes to the rescue] by Donating $120. p/yr. to White Knight Dark Horse Rescue Ranch Inc. a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Animal Rescue.
All New White Knight Affiliates will receive one complimentary
3-, 4-, or 5-night Vacation Gift Voucher & $1,000 Travel Saving Credits
White Knight Affiliate Marketers ~ will simply engage in conversations mainly about animal rescue, aim to enlist at least two additional White Knight Affiliates [or more] and secures donations for the cause. We show our gratitude by offering a charming travel gift to those who participate with us and/or provides a financial donation.
~ Travel Savings Credits [available in increments of \$100, \$200, \$300, and \$500]
~ One Complimentary 3-, 4-, or 5-Nights Vacation Gift Voucher
This is how fast gossip travels
Invite ~ Refer ~ Recruit ~ 2 White Knight Affiliates to Join Your Team on Level I
Level I - 2
[Acquire just 2 White Knight Affiliates that will also recruit two new participants
who will do exactly the same and you're done] __________________>
Level II - 4 [and so on..] ________________________>
Level III - 8 [and so on..] ________________________>
Level IV - 16
Level V - 32
Level VI - 64
Level VII - 128
Level VIII - 256
Level IX - 512
Level X - 1,024
Level XI - 2,048
Level XII - 4,096
Maximum 8,190 Affiliates in Your 2X2 ~ X12 Levels Team
You Will Get Paid [X] $7. Referral Fee
for Every White Knight Affiliate on Your Team
This team you started by simply referring two other affiliates has now raised a significant amount of money for charity and has become a source of income for you and potentially thousands of others. Not a bad year. Fantastic Job. You may retain all of your earnings, or you may choose to donate them to charity.
A very simple, foolproof method that allows people to earn extra money by just doing two straightforward tasks.
Donate $120 to White Knight Dark Horse Rescue Ranch charity each year [$10 month]. In Return, You Receive a Vacation Gift Voucher and / or $1,000 Travel Credits.
Simply invite two people to join your team who will do exactly the same. YOU'RE DONE!
It's akin to a 'set it and forget it' program—like planting a seed and watching it grow—where you contribute a $120 annually and invite two individuals who will donate $120 each year, who in turn will find two more people to continue the cycle. Beyond that, there's nothing more required. You can either 'set it and forget it' or you may choose to further its growth by ongoing promotion. You might even have a 'White Knight' Affiliate positioned / placed within your downline team by an upline affiliate sponsor.
There's no need to concern yourself with venturing out to sell or solicit strangers. Everyone knows two people who would like to earn extra money and that can accomplish these two simple tasks.1- Donate annually & 2- Invite two people to join your team.
Q: May I refer more than two individuals to join my team under the White Knight Affiliate program?
A: Certainly! You are free to refer or recruit as many participants as you wish. Every new affiliate will be allocated to your downline team. This will assist you and up to 12 members of your team. You might even have a 'White Knight' Affiliate positioned / placed within your downline team by an upline affiliate sponsor.
Q: When do I get paid / compensated?
A: Affiliate referral fees will be released as soon as you have filled every position in Level I & Level II & Level III... From that point forward, the White Knight may access their earnings at their convenience.
Q: Is an initial investment required to become a 'White Knight' Marketing Affiliate and begin generating income?
A: There is no need to make an upfront investment to become part of our team. A donation of $120 is requested [$10 month}, but not mandatory for participation. We're here to support you. If you're unable to donate today, we will accept the first $120 of your referral fees that you earn and credit it to your account as your initial donation. VERY EASY, $0 RISK MLM PROGRAM.